Stop in for a cup of coffee

That's some wild lookin countertop. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
The stone was ordered from Brazil, we waited months for it. When she selected it I was a bit frustrated as I just wanted to get it done. As always, in the end she was right and I was wrong. The stone is stunning And really sets off the whole kitchen. I have never seen anything like it. The guy setting it said he has been setting countertops for years and it was the first one like it he had ever seen. He really liked it. Jodi was beside herself watching them bring it in the house as the sink island piece weighed just over 800 pounds. The installer noticed her concern and explained to her, don’t worry ma’am me and the boys been watching you tube all the way over here so we know how to set it! I about died. She had to go in the shop and hide! It was classic