Please read my bearings

Before we start, I want to say that I worked in a couple big boat yards for many years in my late teens and early 20's where I repaired, maintained and rebuilt all types of machinery, engines and equipment. Fast forward 40 years after a career in the construction industry, in my retirement I'm strong into Mopar.
I'm currently in the process of rebuilding a 318 and have some questions about my bearings.
The number 3 main bearing has some wear and I found what may be the missing pieces in the oil that I drained and stained before starting, I also so found a good amount of "silver" as well. The left rod bearings have some noticable wear, where as the right rod bearings have significant wear and appear to have an almost copper look, which probably explain the silver oil which I'm assuming is babbet from the bearings. The wear on the sides of the number 3 main may have something to do with improper end play ?
The rest main bearings including the 3 look pretty good on the rotation surfaces and all the rod and main journals look pretty good too.
I'm wondering what is going on with the right and left discrepancies?
Next is the numbers and relationship to sizing and to some pohtos.
On the rod bearings I see a 010 which means oversized or under sized, I'm not sure which?
The main bearing have sequential numbers that relate to the rods with no +/_ nomenclature.
Yes, I could look in the service manual or buy a book, I'd really like to hear it from one of you more experienced guys that know, as a healthy discussion
sometimes uncovers more questions in addition to answers.



