What's wrong with this picture?

Frame mounted steering gear.

Bingo! Someone give that man a see-gar!

In an earlier thread I asked how hard it would be to remove the k-member, and most of the responses I received talked about disconnecting the steering linkage and/or steering box.

Last Sunday I removed the suspension, with the k-member in place, and then called it "good enough for now".

This evening I decided to tear into the steering (inners, outers, sleeves, etc), and when I got under the car I was surprised to see that the Aussies didn't mount their steering boxes to the k-member after all! It's kind of hard to make out here, but:


So I got out the impact, and...Zip. Zip. Zip. Zip. Bang. It was on the ground!

Now again, at the risk of looking like a fool, I think all of the US/LHD cars have a k-member mounted steering box, but the Aussie box is frame mounted, meaning dropping the k-member was a piece of cake!

So I got done early tonight and now I can get to bed at a reasonable hour (for once).

I'll tear into the steering tomorrow night.
