Unpopular opinion. I'm so frustrated I hate car shows/cruises.

I've gotten back into going to car cruises/shows the last few years because my kid was getting old enough to drive and I figured if I could get him interested in cars instead of video games it would be a positive. But damn these are miserable experiences(at least in my area).
It is always the same crap. No one actually drives these things. They putter into the show area way slower than normal traffic. Sadly most of the participants seem to be on a day pass from the retirement home. They are better versed at discussing which adult diaper is more comfortable than what they enjoy about cars. I was at a "cruise" a few weeks ago that was poorly attended because it rained(guess these things don't have windshield wipers) and a geriatric gentleman had to be ambulanced away after he collapsed on the concrete.
Meanwhile there was a crowd of other incoherent geriatrics who saw fit to surround the man while offering no assistance. It took a youngish retiree to think to call the ambulance and my 17 year old to decide to support the mans head and neck and check his blood sugar while waiting on the ambulance. Now before you get butt hurt and say Im busting on old people Im not. I grew up savoring every bit of information and life experience I could glean from my grandparents,great grandparents and their friends. Still today when going into a new job or work site I look for the guy with some grey in his beard first to get some insight into the situation.
What I hate is that being in the car hobby has become the rolling equivalent of sitting on a dead pecker bench at a mall.
I would rather see 1 kid passionate about their fart piped equipped rice rocket than see another hundred bitter 75 year olds that are no longer capable or interested in driving,maintaining or building cool stuff.
Did I mention that blaring surf rock serves only to make any of these gentlemen I try to engage with struggle to hear a damn thing let alone carry a conversation?

Why the hell cant we have other car related events?
Like miniature scale power tours where we maybe hit a few local landmarks and picnic.
Really anything beside standing around passing out and polishing non functioning knobs or chrome while we criticize the cars of others because they don't use the same wax?

How the hell am I supposes to convince a teenager that this hobby has any value when this is the representation?

Am I crazy? Am I the only one? Does everyone here over the age of 65 want to beat me to death with their cane?
Hank, I had to think a bit before I wanted to address your specific statement that you posted. I get where your coming from and I really think that the older gents are a group of been there and done that in and with there cars for an amount of time up to and possibly longer than 20-25 years. Their older age has reduced vigor and less willingness to hear anything outside of their established knowledge base. They’re getting into their twilight years and have more pressing issues on their mind that other of only their age can contend with. Hence the topics of health and such.

I’m 11 years older than you and can easily say we could talk a bunch on MoPars alone but!!!! Things like health care (because I’m retired) and weaning wealth, become more so important in retirement and beyond years than the latest cylinder head, engine build and dyno test.

Look at it this way. How much in common do you have with a 22-25 snot nose console game playing kid that has no care or concern that you have or will for for 2 decades to come?

When I was 22-28, attending cars shows and meets, the older guys never minded answering questions. But conversations were limited. Friendly they were, 100%! Just not a lot in common besides the cars.

The older gents are going away. They’re baby boomers and the last of the silent generation (after the greatest generation) that are leaving the earth. There numbers are dropping fast & accelerating.

Being born in ‘66, technically a Gen X’er, we still have time, so stop on in on us and have a chat. Don’t mind some of the old man talk a few of us have.