Unpopular opinion. I'm so frustrated I hate car shows/cruises.

Maybe its because you have piss poor attitude. Maybe go to a show with a better attitude, or outlook ? Christ, you called someone "geriatric" when he was fighting for his life on the ground. WTF ? You complain about the people, you make fun of the people, you complain about the music, you complain about the cars, you complain about how fast they drive. Maybe this just isn't for you ? And you certainly aren't doing your son any favors with this attitude. Next time you go to a show, try being a little nicer. lower your expectations, and leave hate at the door. It just might work for you.
I was trying to be nice about it, but you kinda nailed it. lol

I had another response all typed out, but I said feck it and erased it. LOL