Unpopular opinion. I'm so frustrated I hate car shows/cruises.

This topic has me wanting to search the film American Graffiti and watch it again. We didn't go to cruise-ins and park. We cruised up and down Main Street as long and late as fuel and/or parents would allow.
Did yall know Henry Ford didn't want people to have a love affair with the automobile. He expected them all to look and drive exactly the same. Just an appliance, more like a toaster than a horse. That's not what happened. In early 1900s there were about 200 different car brands. Nearly everyone who produced anything took a shot at automobiles. Alas, the majority failed or were bought out by the big three automakers.
With the coming of electric cars and so many domestic and imports looking all the same, plus the dying of NASCAR, etc.., I can foresee the vehicle becoming just another appliance.