Eddy 1405 tuning advice

Thanks Mike, so my nose ain't the only one smelling rich lol. I'll give those a read. This 1405 was on this intake before and ran good. Between the DQ and this, I'm getting to do some learning lol. I'll chk the link, thanks!
Thanks AJ, no to headers, stock manifolds.
I have a 1405 on the Barracuda right now and have had similar issues with excess gas smell no matter how lean I ran it .
I ended up installing a thin wire in the main air bleed circuit to lean it t out some . I will try to post a link on the procedure.


This is a good read . And the mods worked for me .
I have a brand new 800 AVS Thunder but its a good learning experience to mess around with with the 1405 . The car runs great and I have been putting off reinstalling the 800 !

Got headers?