Thinking of going clutch factory style radiator cooling fan..

70 Dart, warmed over 360 magnum, probably about 370 hp

I remember reading here that straight fan sucked about 15 hp, I didn't remember that the hp loss for using a clutch fan was mentioned.

I have a 27 inch plus long x 21 tall aluminum 2 core radiator, biggest one that would fit, it's actually touching the edge of the battery tray

Has a Hi volume water pump

17 inch electric fan, can be either push or pull

Adjustable thermostat

A frig to set up


Clutch fan
No maintenance, nothing to fry and burn, works well, installs in minutes

For now no shroud
Your thoughts

I had a really nice 17 inch electric fan (pulling) along with the thermostatic controller for a few years.
It worked fine with a stocker 318.
When I went to the mild built Magnum it just didn’t cut it.
Swapped it out for an 18 inch clutched type and problem solved.

Pulled it off an 80’s Ford truck and have about an inch from the blades to the radiator.