Is it possible that all the affordable project cars are now taken?

New truck prices are crazy, my 2017 ram stickered for 49K, two weeks ago I was getting the oil changed at the dealership, to kill time, walked around the lot, the same truck but a 2023, sticker price was 102K, WTF my wages have not gone up 50% in 6 years.
I am doing my best to keep the mileage low on my 2017, because it will be the last truck I buy new.
my brother & i were hit in his work truck (16 F350 quad cab, long box 2WD, diesel AT) at the end of march of this year, truck was totaled.

so on the search to replace that with a new, comparable one, the RAM option was over 100K, the Ford was 92 and the chevy was high 80's. even the stripper options were mid 70's. for a work truck. unreal. and the used market wasn't much better.