BEWARE of doing business with 340bird71

i too have been known to wake up in the morning and choose violence.

however, if you don't have a "lawyerin' slush fund" sometimes artifice and chicanery are just as gratifying in results. i find that *inconvenience* is so much more delicious a revenge than caving in somebody's skull. people have spares, so don't flatten a tire, flatten two. but don't flatten two tires, just take the rims wholesale-- one off the front, one off the rear different sides.

there's a lot you can do with somebody's phone number and address. it'd be a shame if all their packages wound up getting rerouted to BFE by way of charleston. or, like if the city or county all of a sudden started checking in on them.

i've only played a pirate and a doctor on television, not a lawyer, so i'm not sure how solid my advice is though.
I like the way you think