Stop in for a cup of coffee

Well I bought it at a yard sale. Guy was emptying the garage and I saw it in the corner. So how much for that. how's $50.00 sound. Sold. So I put it in the front seat and drive off. On the way home I stop at a convince store. On the way out a couple of young Spanish guys are by the car. Hey poppy how you get that in the car. . Do a muscle pose and they laugh. No really. I said really. If I pulli it out you buy mee lunch. Oh sure sure.. I put my soda and sandwich on the roof open the door reach in and pull it half way out . Ok so your buying lunch right.the look on there face went from shock to fear when they thought I was going to toss it to them.
Then I br it home cut the inside out put in the mailbox added the valve covers and carbs. Still have to finish putting the headers on. I have a lot more then the original 50 in it now.
If it was me I'd buy you steak for lunch for that. cool story and one to remember. Thanks Wolfie.