Let’s have a good track weather (bar, temp, humidity, corrected altitude) discussion

A member asked me this question today about the scribbling I do on my time slips.

Hi John, looks like it was a great night of racing with a good turnout! I notice that you write the weather info on your time slips. Are you using a weather station? Personally I view those as voodoo magic! My question is, in a nutshell, how does density altitude affect performance? I know with high humidity you should jet up to compensate for the increased moisture in the air, and vice-versa, but I don't have a clear understanding of how DA affects performance.

We have all been at the track and said man it feels “fast” tonight. Why is this??? Someone added if the adjusted alt is lower it’s faster. Well here’s three time slips from Saturday that blows that theory out of the water. Join in guys and let’s discuss this. I have some saved material I will try to add if there’s interest in this subject. I usually try to catch the time and time trial or eliminations in the pictures. Gotta head to the shop but I’ll check in later.


