Stop in for a cup of coffee

Yeah I was thinking probably pretty dry already with the heat you have been getting
And with the heat I didn't mow it last week. I watered it and it looks really good.
I've been prepping to seed later killing out some Bermuda grass that found its way in. I hate that stuff in the yard but love it at the golf course. haha!!
I moved in and my yard was horrible with all the trees, undergrowth, weeds, lack of grass, etc... I took down about 40 trees (still have about 40) and a buddy and I hauled them away. A lot of landscaping 130 900-pound limestone slabs flower beds irrigation lines, etc... I thought it'd be a three-year project to get it where I wanted it. This is the third year and almost there. Neighbors are happy with what we've done and so are we.