IF THIS TRAILERS ROCKING DON"T COME KNOCKING There's yer sign. Maybe you could make one of them rock?
When reading a previous post I saw, "one wire whose" and my old brain went to "woose" like a toddler might pronounce "loose". LOL
The one trailer has a picture window. You got to have at least one teenage boy peeking in from a perch atop the water tower. I've got one of the little figurines called Homies who is looking through binoculars. It a middle-aged man, I'm guessing a bird watcher. Those may not be the correct scale.
In reference to Gunsmoke series, Miss Kittys was the saloon and hotel. I guess the trailer park came years later.
There is such a trailer park in the film titled Crossroads, or maybe its in The Night The Lights Went Out In Georgia. One of the DVDs I have here.