Unpopular opinion. I'm so frustrated I hate car shows/cruises.

Back in 1988 my sons were 2 and 4. We went to a show in Pleasanton with the GTS. I had sat down with them the day before that they weren't to touch any of the cars (yes, they really were great kids). At one point they were walking with me between cars, both of them sucking on a sucker with all the mess dripping down their hands. They never touched another car, but the looks of horror on the other owners' faces was priceless...weren't they cute?

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A) Yes, they were cute... What happened??? :lol:

B) Young kids around my cars has never bothered me... They are mostly innocent & what damage they might do isn't done with malice... I've had a kid at a car show roll his Hot Wheels car along the side of my Green Challenger... I didn't say a thing to the kid... I did say something to his father... End of the day no harm, no foul... But the father should be paying attention to what his son is doing..

On another occasion I'd parked my Red Challenger in a hardware store parking lot while I when in to grab something... Came out & noticed two young boys on either side of the car & their dad was in front of the car... As I walked up they took off, jumped in their dads truck & drove away... And left bubble gum stuck to both front seats... Was the problem the boys? Or their father? Actually both.. But mostly the father, what kind of POS would allow his kids to do something so shitty... Jealousy & lack of discipline....

C) Adults touching/opening parts of my car is a whole different matter, if they attend a car show or even just out in public they should be sufficiently aware of the fact you don't touch other peoples stuff... I don't lean on someone else's beater unless & I know them & know they don't care... I certainly don't put my hands on someone's nice or vintage car... Or wife/girlfriend.... There are rules....