Zinc oil supplement

That is IF the use oils are recycled properly. We recycle. The problem is, THEY are not in a LOT of cases. There was just a really big media story on just this very thing. Lots of people are recycling trying to do the right thing and those that are actually supposed to be doing the recycling are not. The percentage was something over 75% of recyclables that were not being recycled, but being shuttled to landfills instead. It was pretty shocking. It pissed Kitty OFF. She said "screw all this trouble", but I told her no, we're still gonna do our part. It's not any harder than making the regular garbage run. We just separate recyclables. What happens after that, we cannot help.
Exactly. I have to take my used oils to the landfill where they have a collection tank. Some company comes and sucks it out periodically. They also collect from the shops. The used should go to a refinery and be added to its feed stocks to do it properly. Higher costs undoubtedly, but part of cleaning up.
All this EV noise is mostly smoke and mirrors added to road apples. Converting to natural gas at least as a cleaner burning option for now would be better. There is a trial program here in Alberta with one truck fleet running diesels converted to run on natural gas and a number of fuel depots for them. No pig piss exhaust treatment required either.
I save my used oils in 4l and 5l plastic jugs and then when driving past the landfill I pull in and dump them into the tank. Could just drop off the full jugs and they will dump them, but I take the washer fluid jugs in for recycle as "clean" rather than a coat of old oil in them. Keep refilling the oily ones with the old oil.