Overdriven pulley how much is too much?

Been doing some research and I was comparing some specs for the 340 engine on the factory service manuals:
1973 manual says water pump to crank ratio is:
STD 1.2:1
Max cooling no AC 1.2:1
AC 1.3:1
Max cooling AC 1.3:1
water pump impeller STD & AC 3.7" 6 blade
1972 manual says water pump to crank ratio is:
STD 0.95:1
AC 1.3:1
water pump impeller STD 4.38" 8 blade & AC 3.7" 6 blade

So with the serpentine system I should be OK I'm thinking as the factory spec shows overdriven fan/water pump ratio as well. I will still call be calling CVF to verify the ratio and pulley diameters to be sure.