Hey parts vendors, how about INCLUDING A DECENT SET OF INSTRUCTIONS in with the products you sell?

How have instructions changed?

Get an owners manual for a 50’s or older car. They not only tell you all operating and maintenance stuff, they would tell you how to shift the 3 on the tree and drive the car. The FSM’s are much more in depth.

Do you know what a “Sears House” is? Sears would sell a package with everything to build a house, with full instructions, and people that were not professional contractors or construction workers could build them.

Are you familiar with the old Heath Kits electronics? Same thing. The directions were so good that a non-electronic tech person could build a nice stereo, or a color TV, from a box of parts.

Just saying, if the instructions are complete and well written, it’s on the end user if things go sideways. However, if the instructions are poorly written or missing, that’s on the folks making the product.

These days some numbskull would hit their head with a hammer and then sue sears (and win) for not including the proper hard hat and high vis gear. Every instruction is subject to interpretation, and the bar for common sense is lowered with every generation. Even if you kept up with the mental decline, someone will sue for it not being in their particular dialect of their self identified native language..

Warnings aren't legally effective enough to avoid liability in all cases. It's not just the companies selling things that are responsible for the dumbing down of our nation.