Hey parts vendors, how about INCLUDING A DECENT SET OF INSTRUCTIONS in with the products you sell?

The dumbing down of society has had a FAR reaching effect. The trend of accepting poor behavior isn't helping matters either.
People need to go back to having respect for others and NOT thinking that they deserve special treatment.
I hear radio ads all the time for a variety of products.....get the widget YOU DESERVE.....
Who says that they deserve anything? What did they do to deserve it? Too many people have the entitlement mentality and that is a cancer on society.
"Ask not what your country can do for you....." is a completely lost concept for most people.
I agree on the "people want it cheap" comment but again, I am not one of those people. Clearly, I am an outsider, a step away from the norm. I must be fighting against the tide here.
I want a quality product at a fair price. If I get a good deal on a quality product, I tell everyone that will listen. I am very outspoken.
I don't buy the cheapest of anything unless it is obvious that there is no difference in quality between the cheap stuff and the higher priced stuff.