Hey parts vendors, how about INCLUDING A DECENT SET OF INSTRUCTIONS in with the products you sell?

Reminds me of a joke from years ago about a guy calling tech support because his computer wouldn't turn on. After some discussion it was revealed that he had not plugged in the power cord. Tech support then told him to pack it all back into the box because he was clearly far too stupid to own a computer.

That guy bought from us last month! Hahaha.
He quite literally accused us of ripping him off and not sending a rather large and pricey item in his order. He even sent a photo, which showed the missing item clearly there, but he wouldn't hear it.

I think that's the crux of the matter. There's no manual good enough for the guy who can't figure out how to plug it in and there's a million more of them than the guy who is capable but needs some missing details. So it's easy (and cheap) to overlook the fixes that would help the guy with a clue.

I did write at least one manual that had a horrible mistake in it and we printed nearly 100k copies of it and after 7 years in the market we had a customer email in and ask "is this really right!?" - we had to scramble to redo things and update it, and we did. So it's not like I think anyone writing the instructions is somehow infallible either. But hell if that didn't tell me how often people read the damn thing! 100k+ copies and one guy (who cared to email us) noticed. Fixing it also didn't change our return or service rate, LOL.