Where is the weak point

A little off subject but if you are planning subframe connectors, I am a proponent of MIG welding. If possible a 220 unit with gas shielding. Its the best 1000 bucks you ever spent. Yes you can get away with less, but get the best you can afford and learn the machine. You won't regret it. There are some real talented welders on here and you tube that will solve most of your questions.

Life is better welded together (T shirt?) :thumbsup:

I have a small cheap mig welder that I use for light home and sheet metal repairs. But I'm not a very good welder and wouldn't trust my welding where structure is concerned, especially where a lot of torque and horsepower is going to be applied. So, there is a fabrication shop not even a mile from my house that has professional welders to do the job. I could probably tack it into place, and then leave the welding up to them.