Friends that you had to let go.

I think we've all had at least a few people over the years that needed the bum's rush out of lives. I met one person through work that became what I considered a pariah. It reached the point where the only time I ever heard from him was when he wanted something.
I had stored some of his furniture at my place when he was couch surfing for a while, never heard from him for months, then suddenly he calls and wants me to deliver his things the next day! I asked another friend of mine if I could borrow his truck to move this idiot's crap, and he offered to help me out. We get to dumbfuck's new apartment, a three storey walk up, and he's not even there! Left his girlfriend to let us in! We dragged his **** into the apartment, dumped it inside the door and were on our way out when the girlfriend starts crying, saying they have no money and she's pregnant.
I walked away and never answered his calls again. That was probably over 35 years ago.
There have been a few others, but that was the most memorable.
On the whole covid scam, my sister in law had a similar experience to the one Dusterdenovo described with her own sister. There was a family get together planned for Christmas in 2021, but my sister in law, who is completely against any form of vaccination, was asked by her sister to wear a face diaper in her own home! She and my brother both refused to go along and a feud started over that. My brother says it has eased some, but the damage is done, and I don't blame them one damn bit.