Slant six dies in gear

I’ve run into a bit of a new problem now. Just a few days ago the replacement carb came in and we installed it with no issues. Made sure the jets and everything were clean. The car now refuses to idle below 25* and 1200rpm. Obviously it’s not drivable at that rpm so it’s at home right now. I’ve attempted to slow the rpm and lower the degrees by using the throttle every once in awhile to keep it running but no luck. I’ve had me look at it, and quite a few family members who are mechanics or heavy duty’s and we’re all stumped. I’m wondering if we caused an issue when we replaced the head. The head was from a 1975 slant six (we replaced it before we knew the engine was older and just before these issues began.) at this point the goal isn’t been running right but to get her to idle at all

You also replaced the timing chain? Are you sure it was installed correctly? Your new carb is no good, the old one was better. Please post pictures of your engine, distributor, and carb.