Unpopular opinion. I'm so frustrated I hate car shows/cruises.

First of all, the term "butt hurt" seems to be a Millenial favorite...a stupid term that annoys many people.
Secondly, if you're discouraged and disappointed with the situation, what are YOU doing about it? Have you joined a club and made suggestions to liven up the agenda?
Change may take time. Ask around about who is a drag racer, a drifter, a road course guy/gal. The motorsports aspect is always going to be more involved with their cars than the "lawn chair behind the car at the car show crowd".
I'm a member of a Sacramento Mopar club. There are some OLD members that do almost nothing in the club but there are a few around 30 that DO.
Your line "Have you joined a club and made suggestions to liven up the agenda" will get you in trouble and maybe excommunicated from the club.
Wife and I joined a small mopar club in northern Colorado. First thing we noticed was that it was very disorganized, poorly attended meetings with no agenda, just clicks of the "cool guys" sitting around talking about their cars while the "not cool" guys get ignored and end up talking to themselves. So at one poorly attended meeting, we and a couple other members decided to plan a cruise. Well word got around to the club president, and at the next meeting he got all pissy and accused us of trying to take over his club. After that, every meeting got smaller than the last. The president and the cool guys would never show up, just us nerds that wanted to do more with the club than just sit around looking at each other for a couple hours every month. We gave it up in less than a year and never went back.