Check out this time slip

I like true start. It takes the wallet out of the equation.
it’s just, to me, a natural evolution of what bracket racing is supposed to be about.bout
Sadly about 1/2 of Stock is Rich Old Guys with $250,000.00
store bought and professionally prepared New Cars. They run
7s to 9s in 1/4 and feature timers/computer controled/antispin controls/roller camshafts.
They run identical runs all day long with less than a hundred. The last thing
they need is any other advantage like they get leaving last and having won before
they start. What used to be Sportsman Racing for regular ordinary people is rapidly
becoming a Game for Multi/Multi Millionaires where money is absolutely no Object to

You could teach a Monkey to drive one of the new cars competitively in 1/2 an hour.
However, if anything out of the ordinary or unexpected happens, Chances are the Monkey would get
killed @ 170 MPH and probably kill me to in my 105 MPH wagon! They should not be in Stock at All!
They are NOT production built and available cars but purpose built for the select few. They rules used to
state Street legal and Showroom available with 500 built.

But like Cindy Loper sang in the old days = Money changes Everything!