Stop in for a cup of coffee

I do alot of them. Hard to bite my Toung.
Think the absolute best one was guy calls me can I do a Hemi one. Sure. I have two more that might need rebuilt I will send them to you. Get the box, two are NOS in the box! seriously they are hens teeth and $$$$. Run them up, no issues. Rebuilt the other send them back to him. A year later get a call whet the F did you do to my distributors they are all too short to fit in ad spin. I just paid 20K to get this motor rebuilt and tried to get each one to turn for 20 minutes each. OK ask him to take the dist out and a pic down the hole. No oil pump drive in it. Told him that and the motor needs to be taken apart no since it was not getting any oil. Builders fault for sure. Never heard another word from him.
Yikes, I bet that builder did tho!!!