Stop in for a cup of coffee

Good moaning C\_/. Moaning is to be taken literally. Hands and toes hurt (RA). Left side of back hurts where the broken and dislocated ribs are. I expected more sciatic nerve pain down one leg or both, so it could be worse.
I'll have no problem complying with the "no laboring on Labor Day" policy. Still proud of what I/we accomplished yesterday and can't thank Ms. Jackie enough for her assistance in that and her getting up so early this morning to pour the first few cups of coffee.
The new outside can opener for DS rear door of her RAV4 should arrive by Thursday. I'll get it "handled" if she'll drive the RAM to work and back. Doesn't handled look misspelled? It sounds like it should be spelt handeled. LOL

Lotta money for hubcaps!
Poverty caps? Hardly.
I wonder if Pioneer Woman offers dog dishes.