Stop in for a cup of coffee

It's 55° with heavy frogs here this morning at the wannabeach. If I still had 4wd I could go the the beach ramp at Oceano Dunes ORV and watch the fun and mayhem as the tourists try to get off the beach :lol: State Parks contract the beach towing out to towing contractors. Tow truck drivers used to go and make that beach sand ramp as impassable as possible. More tow, more beer money. Friend had a big tow strap in the bed of his 4wd short bed truck, he sit there by the ramp and see people get stuck and rush out there to help them. He never charged the tow truck victims. Pull them up to the asphalt "Have a safe trip home" :D Sure pissed those tow truck drivers off :rofl:I've seen rail framed buggies with paddles hooked up to the front of their motorhome tow rigs to get them up that ramp. Paddle tires pitchin' sand 20 feet in the air and all over that motorhome :rofl: