I've answered it multiple times on this forum. Yes I have. I remove it for a factory style radiator because the aluminum one was an ill fitting pos. You can see it in my build thread. Search "runnin & drivin" and it should pop right up. You said you didn't want to spend $500. A "good" radiator is around that cost. You CAN spend over $1000 on one. Look at some US Radiator offers. A GOOD copper/brass radiator that's made in USA will have some cost. I consider $500 about middle of the road. My point was that while lots of people have had good luck with chinese radiators, lots of others have not, whether they don't fit well or they just flat out don't cool. So again, buy whatever radiator you want. You're already set on it, so WTF did you even ask for opinions? Congrats. You made the list. Goodbye.