67 Barracuda Ignition Issue

Just found this wiring diagram for the car.

View attachment 1716141298
Crumple that up and use it to start a Bar-B

Seriously. Much better diagrams that will answer your question about which cuircuit and wire goes to which cavity in a connector.
The Valiant diagram in '67 Plymouth Service Manual is close to the Barracuda. The Barracuda diagram is in a supplement for '67.*
It's not perfect, not as good as '68 and '69, but better than aftermarket diagrams like the one above.

Also one of the forum members has made layered pdf of the Factroy 67, 68 and 69 diagrams.
To make the diagrams useful, I follow the advice of Chrysler Tech and traced and redrew the circuits of interest.
Since I have '67 Barracuda, here are the main power feeds and ignition and start.


*Link to supplement