67 Barracuda Ignition Issue
So here's the concept.
Key in Start, power flows from the battery through the J3 wire to the ballast. A little curent flows through the 1/2 ohm resistor to the ECU and some flows through the coil. The ECU controls the breaking the coils ground connection based on the distrbutor signal.
Because the battery voltage is drawn down by the starter, coil gets system power (bypassing the resistor).
Engine running, power flows through the start switch to the J2 wire. Coil gets power through the resistor rather than draw power at full system voltage (14 V from the alternator). The coil is designed to run at less than 12 Volts.
With any recent ECU, 1980s and newer, pretty much only need the 4 pin setup)
So for your '67, all that is needed is
the appropriate ring terminal on the ECU wire connecting to coil negative.
A female 1/4" spade connector on the ECU power wire so it can attach to a piggyback on the J2 connection at the resisitor.
There's other ways to do it as well, but that's a simple one.
On a diagram it looks like this
Piggyback looks like this