Street 360 W/.528" P.S. Cam

#114102 is a SBC cam in Crane's 2010 catalog. 500-4000 rpm range. Brute low end tq. No, it is not on 112-114 LSA, it is on 104. Another one on 104 with a few degrees more duration, 800-4600 rpm.
This catalog has 15 cams in the SBC section that are on 107 LSA or lower. That is just the hyd flat tappet section.

I also have a 1984 Crane catalog. Although it has less total cams listed for the SBC, it has only ONE that is 107 or lower.

Something changed for Crane. I would say D. Vizard's late 1980s testing of 19,200 cam tests for Harvey Crane proved to be very convincing for Harvey...

He also took DVs advice: if you want a smoother idle, reduce duration, do not widen the LSA.
Hence the #114102 cam, 184/194 @ 050.