Waiting for Hurricane Lee

Funny thing well 2 yea not really funny but we laugh anyway.
We had Katrina 8-29-2005. Then Gustav it was bad but no where as bad. Next season comes the guy who lives 2 doors down (Russian Immigrant) and I are talking about if will will scrape by or get piles of storms back to back.
We both stayed for both, he says any storm comes with a B name i am out of here. Me why B?
He says all i know is we had K (Katrina) then G (Gustav) and it is never ever good when the KGB Shows up.
So far no B named storm
Katrina 8-29-2005, Ida 8-29-2021 both bad real bad.
CRAZY both same date.
Called my brother after Katrina. He says naa not bad at all. Only took my roof, when we were married Katrina took my whole house when we broke up. Shes mellowed out some.