Shout out to Howard’s Cams

Bad is not how I would describe it. I have found stuck check valves, and junk from machining. Mostly stuff I wouldn’t want in a clean, new engine. I did return a set a long time ago because the lobe contact surface was marred up on a few of em and I wasn’t going to chance it. If I remember those were Melling stock replacement lifters.
I wouldn't describe the failed set of Crower lifters I had as bad. Faulty valving, yes. They all broke in great and had a great wear pattern when I yanked them back out. They were the cam saver lifters that had the flat ground all the way down the side to spray the lobes with pressurized oil. My guess was that they were bleeding down when hot as a result of that. They were quiet when cold, but sounded like a solid cam when they got hot. Talk about a 175 dollar waste. They got replaced with some Melling $4.99 ea. stock lifters and have been quiet as a mouse ever since. Boy, was I mad that day. I had those lifters back out of a running engine in about 20 minutes. LOL