Hope this is not true. Moog Offset Upper control arm bushings.

Not in my experience doing front end alignments. I was taught in tech school that caster is a non wearing tire angle but running the alignment rack taught me otherwise.
You can have toe correct and camber correct and still wear tires if caster is incorrect side to side causing a pull to one side or the other.
If alignment specs are correct and the steering wheel is straght the car will travel straight down the road.
Now put it back on the rack and add a degree of caster to the left front and subtract a degree of caster from the right front while resetting the camber and toe to spec. Now on the test drive the car pulls right toward the ditch. To keep the car out of the ditch you instinctively turn the wheel from straight ahead to slightly left of center.
Now the car is going straight down the road with the rf toed in and the lf toed out. Scrubbing the outside of the rf and the inside of the lf.
The alignment rack taught you that when caster is significantly different side to side, camber and toe usually are too and that causes tire wear. Caster by itself does not.