318 cam

This thread started out great. Way more informative than almost any other "318 cam" thread on the first 2 pages.
Unfortunately it has now degenerated into the same old thing of bashing, and "max performance" talk.

I just wish someone, anyone with more smarts than me could be bothered to take a look at the dozens of cams available in the "one step" or two steps" up category, IE doesn't need a converter or headers or final drive gear numerically higher than say 3.23 and compare them and explain what qualities make them different and how those qualities affect what the results might be like.

I've seen that done with high lift, high duration cams (OK, maybe medium in the 480 to a bit over .500 range) for both big block and small blocks, so I know the knowledge is present here.

However, that request is usually met with "who has time for that?" type responses.
here's a stock 360 cam vs xe250h vs xe268h