Hypothetical 318 Builds

Perfect for most of the car show cruisers here. Nice. Guessing 275 horse? May be a little more. A horsepower number doesn't mean a lot as long as the combination runs well for the owner. A number is just a good comparison number between different combinations. Tall tires and the rear gear slows the combination down but if tire boiling isn't what you want, it's not a real issue. The tires and gear make it up on the MPG end.

I didn't want it too fast, he had already admitted street racing @ 100 mph in Baltimore, MD with the 2 barrel stock 318 as a teenager. I can never guess horse power. It will never boil the tires but gets going pretty quick and cruises all day long at 70 mph and idles well with the AC on. He loves the car, he has probably had it for 20 years now.