Dumb Mopar moves - this should be fun

I bought a 73 Duster, 340 four speed from a guy who owned a gas station in the area I worked in. It was sitting in his junkyard near his house. I gave him $75 for it in the early 90's. It ran, but the 8 1/4 was toast. I told him it would be a few weeks before I could haul it off, and he said that was fine.....it wasn't eating anything. I went back with the trailer about 2 1/2 weeks later and the entire junkyard was empty! The IRS had raided his place and seized all the cars in the yard and crushed them for the scrap money to pay his back taxes. He barely stayed out of jail. I didn't even ask for my money back, because if I'd gotten it when I bought it, I wouldn't have lost it like that! :BangHead: