Rebuild or Replace 850 TQ for a Mild 340?

Ok, I'll bite
Rephrased: in the 45 yrs plus that I have been working on Mopar TQ's, l have only seen a few throttle plates that had zero play (not including new)
Oh my Lord, relax!!!! In the 40 years I’ve been playing with MoPars, or anything even outside of cars, items that are man made and move around wear out. How can they not? Below, is a quote by you;

Be sure to make sure the throttle shaft bushings are tight, TQ's
Are known to wear the out prematurely
So I jokingly (or at least tried!) to have a laugh at the carb being old and wearing out. Being the carb is a moving part, it wears out. You said “prematurely” which I thought was funny. But let’s dive into that one a second here.

Just what is premature wear on a 40+ year old moving part?

And you got upset with this? Duuuuuuuuuuude, really?
Well, OK then.

I'm not going to engage in any more verbal scraps with you, it's impossible to tell a "know it all" anything
LMAO! OK then. Why don’t you PM me for an adult conversation and point out to me where I’m wrong and you were right.
I certainly don’t know everything! I have a host of threads asking for help here. But perhaps your extensive knowledge base can straighten me out? I’m all up for learning something.

At the same time, expect the same back. Looking forward to working with you.