Modern electronics = Full rewire

I got the in dash wiring harness removed and removed all the outer sheath that wasn't melted to the wires. All plugs are labeled and zip tied to make sure I maintained the branches and started verifying the standard wiring diagram to my actual wiring since changes had been make from previous damage. One major difference is that I have a seven fuse box with the ignition 1 line having its own dedicated fuse and going to some other stuff that I don't know what it is. I found a part number on one of the relays and referenced it, it could be a seat belt or low fuel relay? Not sure. The random plug down by the rear harness plug seems to run towards the rear of the car but I haven't pulled the carpet up to find out. I do show where the wires in the front run. I am attaching a simple drawing of the circuit in hopes someone might know what the extra is for. If worse comes to worse I will just replace the wire one for one since the car ran fine before the meltdown.

Having an air conditioned car showed some differences in the basic wiring diagram but were sort of addressed in the maual. Blocks W and Z of the bulkhead connector became air conditioning connections so block Z moved to A and W moved to B.

However I can't figure out what the brown with yellow trace in block C is, in the engine compartment it travels with the wires from A and B to the transmission and inside the car it goes to the random seat belt/low fuel relay I found along with the ignition 1 wire. In the drawing the brown and yellow goes from the transmission to the starter relay and I don't see it there on my starter relay but there is a tan wire that runs to a wire wrap with the wires from A,B,&C but does not come out so I am guessing it is spliced.

So far everything else is matching up with the 1973 Valiant Wiring Diagram and the 1972 Valiant Service Book. No 1973 Plymouth book, I will check the Dodge one to see if it explains my random stuff.

Thanks again for all the help.

