Stop in for a cup of coffee

I tell yeah, its been quit the day, good things from the doctor, great news. And I found out where an aunt is a few months back, connected on Facebook with my cousin, well we haven't seen or talked in 45 or more years and she helped raise me, well, I lived in her home on and off growing up from 6 to 14, we talked today on the phone and she and I talked about my family and hers, after a half hour of that we got in to life stories, she really broke in to things and shared a tear , she is 84 now, and I realized she misses family, so we talked for 2 hours, laughing and crying, what a great lady she is, so proud that I could give her all the time she wanted to talk..
Remember the old single family members guys and galls, give them your time if you can, it did me some good to..
Have a good evening everyone. Shower and fix a simple supper for my lady.