Del is experimentally "throwing in the towel" re: NO smart phone EVER

My 93 year old Aunt's funeral was yesterday and we were telling stories of memories.

In 1984, at 21 years old, I joined the Army Reserve. After boot camp I went home to Pennsylvania before having to to report to training in Georgia.

I drove my pickup from Pennsylvania to Marietta Georgia right to my Aunt's house!!

NO cell phone, No GPS. How did I do that????? We were much smarter without "smart" phones.

I use a smart phone daily but I try not to allow it to rule my life.

I can understand having a "smart phone" if you have your own business these days, but other than that, I don't need OR want one. I have a flip phone, it rings/vibrates when I get a call & I can make calls. I think it's great that I can make a call from pretty much anywhere now, & 30 years ago, that was pretty much unheard of, & that's amazing enough to me. I can text if I need to & I can access the web if I pay extra for that convenience, but I personally don't need or want to. If I want to get on the computer, I can wait until I get home, there is NOTHING that important on-line to me that I need to access it right away, but that's just me. I see people on their phones ALL the time, oblivious to the world around them & it's taken over their lives & they don't even know it, YIKES! I'll keep my life as simple as possible thank you.
I've/we have made it all these years without them (us older folks), so I don't need one now. Their kind of bulky, not able to take much abuse at all, (They could make them almost bullet-proof, but they don't, purposely) & just more technology than I really need at this point in my life.