That is sick, cool
I flipped thru my notes I made a while backthat said air bleed enlargement, but didn't say how much based on what criteria or how to do it
You got to be careful enlarging air bleeds as they are cast into the aluminum top. Then again you could hard solder them shut and redrill them, but that would be a pia.
To dial in a carb, it should be done on the dyno anyway. Reading plugs is like reading a crystal ball.
You would need a roller dyno and an operator/tuner with good TQ experience.
I have the idea of drilling and tapping for Holley air bleed jets. Also I can’t figure out where the emulsion tube is. That there is a big part of tuning out lean/rich spots in your fuel curve. I wouldn’t say I’m real knowledgeable about exactly how a TQ works as there few in depth books about it. I’m on the learning curve here.