Hypothetical 360 magnum build

I have the whole rotating assembly for either the LA or the magnum.
My question was about the feasibility of mixing and matching those components.
I know (yeah 318 info doesn't necessarily transfer over due to the difference between internal and external balance) that on a 318 you can
Years ago I found myself in a crankshaft kit catalog. And I noticed that the crank on 318 LA and magnum actually crossed over between the 2 families of 318s. And I've seen pistons listed saying they could go "either way" for 318. But I know that 318s were all internal balanced. And that 360s were external balance///further, that the amount of external balance isn't the same on 360 LA vs 360 magnum.
What I DON'T know is where that difference lies between the LA and magnum version of the 360.
Is it the crank or the rods or the pistons or a combo of all?

There was one post earlier where someone had said that they built an engine as I am considering and had to pull it back apart and have it all rebalanced to work together. That is closest to the sort of info that I was digging for.
Can I use the Magnum crank with LA pistons if I use magnum rods? Or would it be closer to balanced with the magnum crank and the magnum's harmonic balancer, with LA rods and pistons?
Something I consider a second downfall of a 360 (besides dished pistons) is the external balance.

Relax guys. I haven't actually built this engine with mix matched parts yet. That's why I'm only asking questions at this point.
My thoughts were, other than trying to make best use of parts I already have in hand, that by putting the flat tops on the magnum, it would certainly increase compression with everything else besides "just the pistons" being equal in the end between "stock" and an engine built with flat tops// that it would boost torque, which would make it a better daily driver/camper towing machine. There's a thread elsewhere about "hypothetical 318 builds" that last I remember wasn't full of replies that said "build it stone stock" like I seem to be getting with this hypothetical 360 build.
To be honest I have always been much more of a "318 fan" than a "360 fan", I want to build a 360 as I think mopar should have built the 360 from the get go, addressing 2 of (to me anyway) of the 360s glaring weaknesses.... dished pistons 1st, and if need be, eliminate the external balance and balance one internally if I can't find a reasonable compromise for the external balance deal.