What are the most likely Donor vehicles for the A 500 4 speed automatic?

That’s not true.
Otherwise everyone that towed with an A500 that followed the manufacturer’s instructions for towing would have burned up their converter.

Manufacturer instructs not towing in lockup.
That makes sense. I always towed in OD myself.
How do you know it was an RE?

If it was, best guess is someone was doing or did an OBD2 swap on it. There simply isn’t anything to control it otherwise, the SBEC has absolutely nothing beyond OD and LU. Or they were running a full manual VB.
Had the big multi-pin connecter, not the 2 or 3 pin and no mech K/D. Looked to be a pretty stock plain jane van. I have a few RE's and a couple RH's so I do know the difference. I'm always looking for RH 2-pins. Getting really hard to find. Keep finding 3- pins.