Head flow and power differences question / discussion

If anyone has already mentioned it , I apologize. I didn't read every single post closely.

Part throttle and "tip-in" is where you will see the biggest differences, with the TF being superior over the Indy's. You might make more power with the Indy's but considering where the engine will spend 98% of its time unless you are an avid racer--I'd go TF and sell off the Indy stuff. Just my two pennies. J.Rob

I don't think that has been brought up in this post. When I talked these options over with my builder, he said the Indy heads are a little over kill in his opinion for a street car. Maybe this is what he means.
I'm not trying to second guess him, just trying to understand and make the best choice.

What part(s) of the intake system (top end) contributes to or effects throttle efficiency and tip in performance the most? In other words, what makes the Trick Flows the best for this situation?

Thanks for your input.