My apologies for not updating yet. I'm trying to get us out of some debt accrued over some time and it's taking a little longer than I thought. The good news is, I'm gettin the hole filled in. I might can squeeze in a sheet of 2" foam insulation and if I can, I'll be adding another update soon.
Hey RRR, I just started reading this thread. I live close to what they call the" Hi-Line". It's the northernmost part of the trans continental railway line.
One end of our main street is very close to the tracks and there is a little city park that displays a real two truck Shay. I'll get a pic. Maybe when the Empire builder is flying by. That would make a cool pic. Man we played on that thing all of the time when we were kids. Hi-Line (Montana) - Wikipedia Beaver Hole Hardwood is looking good!!!