Keeprite NG furnace code "fail to ignite"

Everything furnace/thermostat wise has worked properly for 14 years(furnace) and 2-3 years(thermostat). I wired the tstat as per tstat instructions. One wire an ECU lol.
Sounds like the gas valve is kicking-in at both 1:33 and 2:12 (of course I could be wrong), but from what I can see in the Manual it's supposed to do that 4x, then give you a "6+1" code (middle of page 51).

Are you shutting it off (releasing the door interlock), or is shutting down on it's own?

Also, did you do any work on your gas line over the summer? Maybe your line just needs to be purged of air. (Got a couple pipe wrenches? Power down the furnace, and then CAREFULLY AND SLOWLY crack open the union located on the outside of the unit to purge. You'll know when you're done purging, as you'll smell the gas.)

When you swapped-out the stat, have you ever had heat since then?

The old T87 stats were indeed single stage, and your furnace can run with a single stage stat just fine, as it has internal logic to change from Low to High, as long as it was set-up properly initially.

When you changed the stat, did you change any wiring, or DIP switches, in the furnace?

It shouldn't do that. As per the Manual, the furnace should make 4 attempts to light-off, and if unsuccessful, give you a "6" code followed by a "1" code (6+1).

You can always run some tape across that door switch while testing. Or, unplug them from the back and jump them out (after turning off the power, of course!).

From the Manual:

Heating Request with Gas Shut Off:
24 VAC signals applied to W1 terminal of FCB.
The FCB will attempt 4 cycles for ignition then go to soft lockout for 3 hours, and then try for
ignition again as long as the heat call remains. Power reset will clear lockout.
• Inducer motor turns on at high speed.
• Following a 15 second prepurge delay after the low pressure switch closes, the ignitor begins
warm up.
• The ignitor glows red−hot for 22 seconds, then turns off. The FCB flashes error code 6.
• The ignitor stays off for 17 seconds, then begins to warm up again.
• The ignitor glows red hot for 22 seconds then turns off. The FCB continues flashing error code
• The ignitor stays off for 17 seconds, then begins to warm up again.
• The ignitor glows red hot for 22 seconds then turns off. The FCB continues flashing error code
• The ignitor stays off for 17 seconds, then begins to warm up again.
• The ignitor glows red hot for 22 seconds then turns off. The FCB proceeds to soft lockout.
Stops flashing error code 6, and begins flashing error code 6 + 1.


