Stop in for a cup of coffee

So total noob question as I know Jack about log house building. I do not see a provision for door way? Do you pre back cut them and I just can’t see it? Or do you wait till tie in on top to create the door?
The latter. Get to the height for the doorway and chock and cut the log below. Need all the logs suported at the doorway cut before sawing down. Otherwise it will bind (and of course the logs will be without connection to anything at the cut). With a chainsaw we can cheat a little and do a plunge cut, but I don't see any advantage to that. We might have to if I can't get a decision on where to place the door by the time we get to 6'.

My preference would have been to cut the threshold when we put the sill in. Just a little easier to chop it out. That's what I did when I replaced the sill on the hut to the right (20 years ago).