Stop in for a cup of coffee

Big day out here as we finally have to migrate from construction loan to mortgage loan. Appraiser will finally be here this morning. He has not met the other appt days or times but I think bank is forcing him out here as we close on 18th. (No way) I figure the way interest rates are the bank holds the note maximum 48 hours before they sell it. Bank was determined to roll all the acreage into the note. Clearly their objective is to take your land. The Farmer in me bowed up and hired a survey crew and did a split of a five acre parcel. So Bank can only seize the five acres the house sits on if the world goes all wiggly piggly. The rest of the acreage and buildings are protected and paid for so they can’t touch it. Bankers are sneaky.
I intend to do the very same thing. Although it’ll be on just the acre or less that the house itself sits on, plus the driveway. Course im working to get the wife on board with the new plan, which will get us a 4000 sq ft house for 175k or less…. Which considering the appraisers here figure in 100-150 per sq ft, we gonna have massive equity and probably a target on our back by the bank